A short while ago, while my washing was drying at My Beautiful Laundrette, I went for a stroll down Brunswick Street and found my eye caught by a jumper in the window of a boutique. Now, I'm pretty much a jeans and tshirt kind of guy; metrosexual I ain't, but given that I occasionally feel the need to add something that's not a band tshirt and/or black to my wardrobe, I thought I'd step inside and check out the price.
$330 for a fucking jumper? Jesus!! The rack of tshirts on display in the same shop started at $120.
Looks like me and fashion are going to remain on non-speaking terms...
Where you been, Richard (or can I call you Dick)? $330 jumpers are not unheard of and actually $120 for a designer shirt is a good price. I was paying $150 for designer shirts FIVE years ago. Until I realised that clothes do not make the man so now I just buy two pairs of jeans, two shirts, two T-shirts and one pair of shoes to last me for the next 12-18 months. Oh yeah, and a barrel of cheap washing powder!
$330 for a jumper bloody hell!
Did it come with an ipod?
I'd never pay $330 for a jumper too.
Does that make me a bad homo as well?
Or am I just a terrible gay because I've never been into blokes?
Marty - no, you can't call me Dick unless you've been sucking it for at least 12 months; and even thrn only ironically.
d.u.p. - sadly, no - not even an diskman.
brokenleg - being a bad homsexual is a sliding scale, which, if you own not a single kylie, danni or mads cd, ends in hell. see you there!
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